+966 (0) 561233331
  • info@businessexperts.com.sa
Get to Know


Business Experts Consulting & Training Group provides consulting and Training services specialized in Management, Finance, Labor, Social and Self-Development through its group of experts who are experienced and empowered in those specialties with their long and distinguished experiences in the Saudi and internatinal markets. The experts . have had executive positions and extensive experience in the public and private sectors. The training services are  provided through the Group’s founder and CEO the Expert & Consultant, and Trainer Waleed Alkalash http://www.waleedalkalash.com

Waleed is a licensed expert by Consulting Profession Management at Ministry of Commerce in Finance under license# 11790 and Management under license# 11797 as well as a licensed consultant in Labor under license# 12778. He is also a certified trainer by Technical & Vocational Training Corporation in Management, Finance, Social, and Self-Development. He is also Certified Credit Risk Professional. Waleed is a writer and member of Saudi Journalists Association. He is the founder and CEO of Business Experts Consulting & Training Group www.businessexperts.com.sa . Waleed has extensive experience with more than 25 years in leading positions in the private sector: Finance, Corporate Banking, Credit & Risk, Management, Social, Self Development, and in the public sector at Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development as former Assistant Deputy Minister for Labor Policies

Money and Business for Finance Consulting

Money and Business for Finance Consulting


Money and Business for Finance Consulting

Business Experts for Management Consulting

Business Experts for Management Consulting


Business Experts for Management Consulting

Labor and Business for Labor Consulting

Labor and Business for Labor Consulting


Labor and Business for Labor Consulting